Start Living Our Purpose And Meaning Today

Written by: Emmanuel

By liking what we do and living our meaning, we're in harmony with everyone and everything. Emmanuel van der Meulen. CEO, Peace Evolution.

Published: November 16, 2020

water colour portrait of woman | living our purpose | Peace EvolutionWhen we experience inner conflict, it is as a result of us not living our purpose.


Start Living Our Purpose


What does that mean?

Let’s look at what it means when we’re living our purpose.

Living our purpose is about a state of being rather than doing anything.

Almost certainly, living our purpose is construed as us doing something. Like working with animals, children, and people or saving the Amazon.

It does not exclude the aforementioned but it is not specifically about doing such.

As mentioned, instead it’s a state of being.

For a how-to journey, in How to Find Your Purpose in Life, the article says: From the age of six, we hear constantly, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Those of us that don’t know (or guessed wrong) are left with a gnawing sense of emptiness.


A Closer Look At Living Our Purpose


Let’s take a closer look!

When we recognize our purpose and decide to live that, as an absolute decision, no matter what: That decision entails that we unconditionally accept ourselves, and thus also accept everyone and anything and everything around us.

Meaning we respect ourselves. Therefore also respect others and anything and everything – unconditionally – no matter what.

How does that materialize in our lives? Foremost, we’ll recognize that we’re okay no matter what. In reality, that means we’d need nothing first to make us okay. Thus we’d be okay whether we’re in a relationship or not: Whether we’re sitting in traffic or not; whether someone cuts in front of us or not; whether we lose our job or not; whether things go as planned or not.

Note, our okayness is not dependent on any such external circumstances, whether circumstances work out or not, whether the circumstances are favorable or not.

This might sound far-fetched or impossible or like paradise. No matter; attaining such a state of being is within our reach. It is there for us to take up. Our inner conflict exists only because we are not living our purpose. This isn’t about living it every now and then; instead, it is a permanent state, once attained.

See it this way, our inner peace exists in us already. We’re not brought up to recognize our inner values. Instead, we exist in a world where we’re judged in almost all that we do. We’re brought up to be gratified externally. We let the external world cause disarray for our internal world.


Why Living Our Purpose Is Liberating



Stand back, let’s take a look at our own lives. Do our lives exist to be gratified externally by for instance: the way we look, dress, what car we drive, what job we have. That we feel secure because we have money.

Such external stimulus and circumstances are not long-lasting and have to be topped up continuously as they fade.
Whereas when we uncover our inner values, we notice they are there forever; and merely given the opportunity to be exuded, moment for moment.

So when we become irritated, frustrated, angry, when our inner peace is missing, even if momentarily, recognize this as us not being okay unconditionally.

Taking a closer look to another level: What happens when we stop pursuing external things to be okay? We do things because we are okay! By doing things because we are okay, we are living our purpose.

Different things are important to us. We’re interested in different things. Our life shifts from wanting to give. Simply, we’re not looking for value from what we do, instead we bring value to what we do; our value, our purpose.

The car becomes transport; the house becomes a roof over our heads, the clothing about being dressed and being comfortable, and so forth.

What do we do when we decide on living our purpose and don’t know where to start?

In the same vein, what if we don’t know what our life purpose is? Or what our own value is?

Where and how do we start?

First: Acknowledge this is what we want, shift to living our purpose, and we don’t know where to start.

Acknowledge further that even though we don’t know what our life purpose is, we want to pursue it, even if we don’t know how.

Acknowledge further that we do not like it when we lose our inner peace.

Acknowledge further that we recognize the dynamic of being okay no matter the circumstances, and that we want that state of being, even if we don’t know how to attain it.

See an alternate view on why we have the feeling that something is missing: Maturity Alternate View.

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