Peace of Mind Focused: Unlock Your Income
Unlocking your income, revolves around Your Relationship With How You Make Money.
To understand this relationship, ask yourself this question. “Are you enjoying how you make money?”
Then ask the next questions:
- “Does something feel missing with how you make money?”
- “Have you wondered about a different way of making money and don’t know what that means or what such a way of making money would be?”
- “Have you wondered what the meaning is of how you make money?”
- “Are you yearning for a different way to make money and even to increase your income?”

Unlocking Your Income is about these 5 steps.
- Understanding the origin of the questioning and yearning.
- Understanding the current direction you’re following to make money.
- Understanding the direction you’re yearning for.
- Recognizing and acknowledging your findings.
- Taking the first step and every step after that in pursuing what you are yearning for.

Would you prefer to make money in a meaningful way?
Unlock your Income 
Have you ever had thoughts and wondered whether how you make money is ideal?
Are you fitting in with other people who you work with and how you are making money?
Have you had thoughts and wondered about whether you would be better suited to another way of making money?
Have you had thoughts of making money doing something different, and can’t figure out how to do that?
Does how you make money satisfy you completely or does it feel as if something is missing?