Just Prior to Conception: Our Intentions Are Surely That of a Spirit Being

Written by: Emmanuel

By liking what we do and living our meaning, we're in harmony with everyone and everything. Emmanuel van der Meulen. CEO, Peace Evolution.

Published: July 31, 2020

womans eye with caption | spirit being | Peace Evolution​Assuming we are spirit beings, taking up life of the physical being when our parents conceive us, and that we already possess all the loving attributes to turn out as considerate, upstanding and wellmannered people . . .

Well, we all know this is absolutely the exception to the rule. Not long after we’re born, we start playing up to ourselves and other people. Ever consider why that might be?

Why is it that shortly after we’re born, say around the toddler stage, we lose that sweetness? In some cases, even long before that age, we lose our sweetness?

So when a spiritual being brings life to the physical being, somewhere along the line, at a relatively early age, the “ingredients” brought by the spiritual being are seemingly lost. Could it be that the physical world’s attitude and behavior is so overwhelming and intimidating, the baby or child just can’t cope? That even though the spiritual ingredients are present, the physical being just isn’t equipped for what they’re exposed to here on the Earth plane?

It’s definitely not a conducive state of affairs when our world cannot take care of its own, or that we as a species are so harsh we force the sweetness from our children.

Getting back to assuming that the spirit being takes up life as the physical being, let’s take that one step further. If the spiritual ingredients we’re born with are indeed that of pure loving and giving and accepting and sweetness, and each one of us has the inherent capability to be just that: perfectly loving, accepting and sweet human beings . . . then why aren’t we?

Let’s look at this a bit further. So now we have a spiritual being and a physical being making up a human being, and the spiritual being provides attributes like loving, accepting and sweetness, among others. Now, let’s look at where we find the things we usually look for outside ourselves. Happiness, for example. As previously discussed, when we eventually find genuine happiness, it’s found within. In fact, if we find any of the things we usually look for outside of ourselves, they’re usually right there inside of us, just waiting to be uncovered. Then is it safe to say that the previously mentioned assumptions are maybe more than assumptions?

And is it then fair to say about these humane attributes already inside us, that somehow we lose the fact that they exist inside us? Could it be that if they’re inside us when we’re conceived, and that when we go looking for them, we find them inside us—that somewhere along the line during our lives, they got lost?

Why is it that our humaneness gets lost along the way? Is it possible that the behaviors and attitudes of our species aren’t conducive to recognizing and growing our spiritual ingredients? That it’s in fact the opposite; we just frighten our spiritual ingredients away—smothering them—removing them from our lives as we go?

This being the case, wouldn’t it be great, as individuals and as a species, to be able to get back our humaneness?

If your answer to this question is yes, this is great. However, it’s highly unlikely that we can reclaim our humaneness unless we stop and look at why our spiritual ingredients were lost in the first place.

Before we pursue getting our humaneness back, if the previous assumptions are indeed so, could we make another assumption: that your life and mine would have been all together different if we had manifested our spiritual ingredients? Almost certainly, had we not lost our humaneness and weren’t constantly looking for, say, happiness, we would instead be living our happiness. We can almost certainly take it a step further and state that all of humankind would have been very different from the state in which it currently finds itself.

Why did we lose our humaneness?

Reading the other sections of this book and the website will help you to answer this important question. Here are some thoughts that will help you in this process.

When looking at our lives, and when we recapture any moment, we recognize that we’re most likely the product of our circumstances. If we take these two vital steps, we realize that, at a very young age, we took on our Factor-x. Once we understand these things, we can then recognize that we believe we’re to blame for what’s happening to us, and so our lives then became a quest to disprove our Factor-x instead of just living our lives and manifesting ourselves.

Is it any wonder that we lost our humaneness, and that we were most likely oblivious of this state of affairs?

But now, you have the beginnings of the understanding and knowledge to change that for yourself.

More Chapters…  



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