John: Gatekeeper Protector
Sumo Wrestler
When John takes up his gatekeeper position of protector, I see him as a Sumo wrestler. The moment I ask for protection, I feel every aspect of myself in context. I sense my mood, whether it is light or heavy. It usually lightens my mood for having seen my heaviness.
When I make contact with him, my body tingles. It feels as if he climbs into my body, taking up my body space. Imagine if you will a Sumo wrestler climbing inside the body of a regular-sized man.
My contact with him as protector seems to have another dimension—that is, he levels the playing field and prepares me for communication by indicating to me where I stand emotionally. It seems that my contact with him creates the “right mood” for communication.
John declined when I asked whether he wanted to add any message to the book. As a gatekeeper protector, however, he seems to lay the groundwork for communication. He also ensures that only those that are required to be present for the communication are there, thereby making the communication safe.
This is my relationship with John. It seems he’s always ready and up for the task, seemingly getting nothing in return, just being himself and thereby showing his inner beauty. See Types of Spirit Guides: The 11 Powerful Guides On Your team, where the author states: Gatekeepers offer psychic and physical protection to all spirit communicators.
Figure 7: John, the gatekeeper, appears to me as a Sumo wrestler and provides protection when we (White Wolf & Co. and I) communicate